Reputation Management Tips For Small Businesses

Does your business have a reputation strategy? If you think that only large brands need to worry about their reputation, you’re mistaken. Today, businesses of all sizes must be concerned about what their customers are saying about them. Whether you have a restaurant, spa, dental office, pet supply store or any other kind of business, you need to diligently monitor reviews, comments on social media and other content that affects your reputation.

For many small businesses, the complete lack of proactive reputation management leaves them in the position of a sitting duck. With little more than just a website to represent you online, you’re in a precarious position if anyone creates a site to target you or even just posts something on social media, as those items could rank for your business name searches. For established local businesses, people may frequently be searching for you by business name — so, having bad stuff rank in branded search results can directly impact your bottom line.

What We Do

Profile Optimization

We submit your business to our private directory and optimized the profile to dominate the top pages of Google search engines.

Promote Positive Content

We push listing with positive content to the top search engine results and burying negative content so you can control what people see when they search for your company name online.

Push Down Negative Content

Are negative search results making a bad first impression? We can push negative content off the first page and out of sight.